Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Simple Credit Card Donations

Donations and contributions are the life blood for charities, non-profits and churches. These external and often generous donations provide much needed funds to carry out activites that are good for the communities which they serve. In fact, the fact that such organizations exist is proof that people are still willing to give.

In the fast paced internet culture of today, many people expect to be able to make donations online. The good news for non-profits and charities is that today it's faster and safer than ever to setup online credit card payments for their cause.

A combination of WordPress with a simple credit card payment plugin means that many organizations can be accepting contributions in a very short time and with very little expense and overhead.

If you limit yourself to accepting donations through paper checks and cash, you might find fewer and fewer going to the effort to give. Instead, take a few minutes and explore how easy it can be to setup your WordPress websites to accept credit card donations online.

Posted via email from Daniel Watrous

Thursday, January 5, 2012

WordPress plugin licensing: Using the Java Wicket framework on Google App Engine - http://wp.me/p1tf2c-1Q

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

WordPress plugin licensing: API and class diagrams - http://wp.me/p1tf2c-1N

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Wordpress plugin licensing: Thoughts on Java frameworks - http://wp.me/p1tf2c-1y